Video Resources for Teachers
Did you know that there are tons of educational videos online, for free?
Here's a list of several different websites offering free, educational videos. As always, be sure to view the video before showing it to your students to be certain it's appropriate.
Check out these great sites:
ARKive - video collections focusing on wildlife from around the world.
BigThink - big ideas, in video.
BioInteractive - videos explaining biology concepts. - Several full episodes are available from their website.
Brightstorm - Khan Academy style videos on a variety of topics.
Classroom 2.0's Video - Videos for educators about how technology is changing the classroom.
CNN Video - Watch clips of past news events and features.
C-SPAN Video Library - Political news and democracy in action.
CosmoLearning - Free online courses and over 34,000 lectures on a wide range of topics! - Lots of clips and some full episodes available.
Edu YouTube - YouTube's partnership page with Universities and Colleges. View college lectures, discussions, and debates from leading Unversities.
Edutopia Videos - mostly for professional development. Thought-provoking! Live Cams - Live video feeds from around the world! Take your class to Africa or Coral Reefs!
Exploratorium - videos from California's popular science museum.
Folkstream - Folkstream captures film of America's roots/culture.
Georgia's Social Studies Video Dictionary - Videos that explain key concepts in social studies.
Google Video Search - use the world's most popular search engine to find videos. Learn tips on finding what you want from CoolCatTeacher. - Watch full episodes of many of their popular shows directly from their website.
HowStuffWorks - the popular series' video collection.
Instructables - community-generated video explaining how to do just about anything.
Internet Archive Video Section - lots of resources here on multiple topics.
JohnLocker - Curated collections of documentaries from all content areas. - by Annenberg Media - provides several documentaries and educational films for free. Look for the "video on demand" icon.
Living Room Candidate - a collection of campaign commercials from 1952 to present.
LinkTV - Curated documentaries and films from LinkTV.
LiveScience - Videos on science, history, culture, technology and more.
MediaEd - documentaries on challenging social topics.
The Kennedy Center - free archived performances from the Kennedy Center.
Khan Academy - Lots of videos, free, arranged by subject area.
Kids Know It Network - free, educational video content from Kids Know It. - Watch worked examples of math problems broken down by topic!
MIT's YouTube Channel - MIT's video content lives here!
NASA eClips - Learn about space and space exploration from NASA.
National Science Foundation - video content from the NSF.
NBC Learn - free instructional content from NBC.
NC - Sizeable video/documentary collection featuring full-length documentaries from PBS.
The National Archives - a collection of videos highlighting US history.
neoK12 - Video resources for all grade levels and subject areas.
National Geographic Video - videos and clips from the National Geographic Channel.
NCWiseOwl - A great place for research to begin! Many of the tools have video and more!
NobelPrize Video - videos related to the world-famous Nobel Prize and its recipients.
The Open Video Project - 100's of videos and clips on many subjects
PopTech - TED-style talks from leading thinkers. - Many of their popular shows are viewable from their website.
Reel Classics - a collection of clips from classic films. - Similar to YouTube, but with school-based content. Be sure to browse their various categories for useful content.
SciVee - science videos from NSF and others.
Smithsonian Channel - Watch videos from the Smithsonian Channel.
SportSkool - Skill teaching videos for sports and fitness.
Talks At Google - Google's ongoing series with interviews with individuals and panels on a variety of topics.
Teacher Training Videos - Videos that show educators how to do all sorts of things.
Teachers TV - Site with video clips on a varity of subjects as well as videos specifically designed for professional development. - Also similar to YouTube. Features school-related content only. Browse their channels to find what you're looking for.
Teacher's Domain - Clips (and other resources) on a variety of topics.
TED Ed - Brief lesson/content-driven videos designed by some of the best video producers in the world. Free.
TVO - Educational content from TVO (Ontario, Canada). - Clips covering a variety of educational topics.
UWTV - Video curation by the University of Washington.
Vega Science Trust - a curated collection of science videos from FSU. - Lectures on a variety of topics from around the world.
Videos for Professional Development - a fantastic, curated list from Wes Fryer
Videojug - Videos that encourage you to do it yourself! - Online video site that features high-quality videos. Be sure to browse their categories (science, art, etc.).
Web of Stories - Listen to the greatest people of our time tell their life stories.
WGBH - Boston public television. - Of course, the number one video hosting site online. Build your own playlists and share with your students!
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